April 9, 2024

The Five Biggest Medicare Mistakes

    Medicare is the federal government’s health insurance system for U.S. citizens or permanent residents 65 and up, as well as some disabled people of any age. Most Americans will sign up for Medicare at some point and many have a few misconceptions about it. My webinar, The Five Biggest Medicare […]

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March 8, 2024

Spring Cleaning Your Finances

    Spring is almost here!  And with that comes thoughts of growth and renewal, making it the ideal time to give your finances a little sprucing up. We’ve simplified this process into three primary areas to help you efficiently organize and improve your financial situation. Financial goals – What would […]

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February 8, 2024

Estate Planning: A Gift of Concern and Caring to Those You Love

    In the realm of personal finance, few tasks provoke as much procrastination as estate planning. Yet, understanding the nuances of estate planning is tantamount to assuming control over one’s financial legacy and ensuring peace of mind for oneself and one’s family. With this in mind, let’s embark on a […]

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January 24, 2024

The Widely Anticipated Recession – That Didn’t Arrive

    In October 2022, Bloomberg Economics predicted the odds of a recession in 2023 at 100% and most Wall Street observers were pessimistic. The Federal Reserve had raised interest rates seven times in 2022 (with plans for further rate hikes) to slow down inflation, and the resulting increase in borrowing […]

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January 16, 2024

People Have Memories – Markets Don’t

      One of the best things about markets is that they don’t have memories.They don’t remember what happened last week or last year. They don’t even remember what happened a minute ago. Prices change based on what’s happening right now and what people think will happen in the future. […]

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