August 7, 2018

John Bogle’s 10 Key Rules of Investing

Fees, returns, and why time is your friend: 1. Remember reversion to the mean. Selecting your fund from yesterday’s winners is fraught with peril. Over the long run, reversion to the market average is inevitable. 2. Time is your friend. Start early, stick to a plan and ignore the chatter of the day. […]

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Seven Pieces of Advice for the Patient Investor

WealthWisdom® from one of our most respected resources: Prof Jeremy Siegel of Wharton. Most corrections do not become crashes, and (here’s the key…) every single one of them turned out to have been great buying opportunities in the fullness of time. We have never been fans of investment shows like CNBC’s Mad Money and Fast Money, where […]

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The Doom-and-Gloom Reports

React to them at your own peril BOTTOM LINE: The Doom-and-Gloom Report should be renamed The Bloom and Boom Report – and a chart of the major US equity market indices covering any 20 year period in history will conclusively show that.  In fact over the past 75 years every single 5 year […]

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August 6, 2018

Bear Markets

One of the biggest risks to investors’ net worth is the portfolio decisions they make. Failing to adhere to an appropriate long-term strategy has a significant damaging impact on wealth. Since wealth is generated from the compounding of returns, actions that severely reduce an investor’s portfolio balance can have a long-term […]

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The RVW Guide to Stock Market Corrections

Most corrections do not become crashes, and (here’s the key…) every single one of them turned out to have been great buying opportunities in the fullness of time.  In fact corrections are nothing more than a pause between  the market’s long steady upward moves. The distinction between volatility and risk is at the […]

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